Recipes overview
AudioEye Accessibility Tools

AudioEye Accessibility Tools

13.2K records
Asset management
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About AudioEye

AudioEye is a technology company serving businesses committed to providing equal access to their online content. Transforming how the world experiences digital content, AudioEye solves issues of accessibility and enhances the user experience for the broadest audience possible. Specializing in speed to compliance with ADA-related digital accessibility requirements, AudioEye offers technology that makes digital content more accessible and more usable, for more people. The company provides patented internet content publication and distribution software that enables conversion of media into accessible formats, as well as allows for real time distribution on various Internet connected devices.

About this recipe

The AudioEye Ally Toolbar provides assistive tools on our website that are freely available to the public. These tools are meant to provide a customizable experience to users so that they can traverse through the site in ways suitable to their needs. Websites that have implemented the AudioEye accessibility tools on their web site have the AudioEye icon in the bottom right section of their website.

Use cases

  • Track the number of installments
  • Create a lead list with websites
  • Create a data set for marketing research

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