Recipes overview
Broken website with PHP error

Broken website with PHP error

70.3K records
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About Dataprovider Research transforms the internet into the largest search engine of structured web data for data-minded professionals so that they can do detailed research, make better decisions, measure the digital economy and fight cybercrime. Creating the right dataset is difficult due to the hundreds of filters and values that each field contains. These recipes are custom prefiltered datasets that help you get the most complete results.

About this recipe

This dataset consists of a curated collection of websites that exhibit PHP scripting language errors on their homepages, rendering them non-functional. The dataset aims to provide developers, researchers, and webmasters with valuable insights into common PHP-related issues and their potential causes. It serves as a resource for troubleshooting, identifying patterns, and developing solutions to enhance website stability and performance.

Use cases

  • Create a data set for marketing research

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