Recipes overview
Cloudflare CDN

Cloudflare CDN

27.2M records
Asset management
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About Cloudflare

Cloudflare, Inc. is an American web infrastructure and website security company that provides content delivery network and DDoS mitigation services. Cloudflare's services sit between a website's visitor and the Cloudflare customer's hosting provider, acting as a reverse proxy for websites. Cloudflare's headquarters are in San Francisco.

About this recipe

Cloudflare is a popular content delivery network and security platform that offers services to enhance the performance, security, and availability of websites and applications. It operates a vast network of servers across multiple data centers worldwide, allowing content to be delivered from the closest server to the end-users. CloudFlare offers features such as caching, DDoS protection, SSL/TLS encryption, and firewall security to improve website performance and protect against cyber attacks.

Use cases

  • Track the number of installments
  • Create a lead list with websites
  • Create a data set for marketing research

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