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About Zapier

Zapier was founded in Columbia, Missouri by Wade Foster, Bryan Helmig, and Mike Knoop, as part of the first Startup Weekend Columbia in 2011. After initially submitting an application for the Winter 2012 funding cycle and being rejected, they then built their initial prototype with 25 apps, and were accepted to Y Combinator startup seed accelerator in the Summer 2012 funding cycle. As a result of the acceptance, the company temporarily relocated to Mountain View, California in Spring 2012. In October of the same year, Zapier received a $1.3 million seed funding round led by global venture investment firm Bessemer Venture Partners, its only venture capital funding to date. Zapier reached profitability in 2014. Sequoia Capital and Steadfast Financial bought shares from some of the company's original investors in January 2021, raising Zapier's valuation to $5 billion. It is one of the highest valued companies to come out of the Y Combinator program, and brought in $140 million in annually recurring revenue as of January 2021.

About this recipe

With Zapier you can integrate apps like Salesforce, Intuit, Google, and Dropbox, to move data between them automatically. As of 2021it connects to more than 4,000 apps with free and paid plans.

Use cases

  • Track the number of installments

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